Goulburn has country charm with city benefits

Country charm, housing affordability and a growing economy put Goulburn in the spotlight for investors.

Just two hours from Sydney and one hour from Canberra, Goulburn is a tree-change city on the rise. Residents enjoy country-style living, rich heritage and plenty of recreational options, along with the benefits of a strong economy and booming infrastructure.

Strong employment opportunities

Working in Goulburn comes with scenic, countryside drives to and from a wide variety of industries. Around 2,432 businesses range from health care to retail and public administration. Major employers include Goulburn Mulwaree Council, NSW Health Service, NSW Police Academy and Coles Supply Chain.

An easy commute to Canberra allows thousands of government employees to rent or own property in Goulburn. Furthermore, many residents are starting to commute to Sydney, which is a 1.5-hour drive, with a train trip from Campbelltown station to beat the city traffic. Looking towards the future, the fastest-growing employment sectors include agriculture, forestry and fishing, and manufacturing.

Infrastructure boosting the local economy

Goulburn is situated on the future Canberra-Sydney fast rail corridor. This will decrease travel times for commuters from 2.5 hours to 30 minutes. Progress continues on this network with the establishment of the High-Speed Rail Authority and $500 million of Federal Government backing for the initial Newcastle - Sydney section.

Healthcare is set to meet the demands of the rising population. Goulburn Hospital recently received a $150 million investment with the Health Service Redevelopment. This is a boost to the local economy with more jobs in health, while providing high-quality healthcare for residents.

Projected population growth

Over the next two decades, the population of Goulburn is expected to boom. The resident population as of 2022 is 32,500. This is projected to increase to 37,200 by 2036, which represents a 14.4% increase. Over 2050 homes over the next 15 years will need to be built to meet demand. This translates to 140 dwellings per year. Planning for infrastructure, housing and services is well underway by the NSW Government.

The Canberra-Sydney fast rail corridor will decrease travel times for commuters from 2.5 hours to 30 minutes.

Value for investors

Young families and homebuyers from Canberra and the Southern Highlands are flocking to Goulburn as an affordable lifestyle alternative. With access to the Federal and Hume Highways, it’s entirely possible to enjoy the enviable lifestyle options within easy reach of the major cities.

Compared with $1.26 million in the Sydney metropolitan area, Goulburn presents attractive affordability. The median house price is just $610,000. Rental yields average 4.5% over the last 10 years, and the vacancy rate is just 1.4%.


Lifestyle perks

A relaxed country lifestyle combines with modern shopping, art, museums, a dining scene and attractions in Goulburn. Local art galleries display works of acclaimed artists. The Art Deco playhouse and the Lieder Theatre highlight the dynamic theatrical community.

Auburn Street is a hub for boutique shopping and it joins two shopping centres. In the great outdoors, Goulburn hosts numerous parks and unspoilt bushwalking trails are close by, including along the Wollondilly River.

For investors, Goulburn ticks the right boxes for lifestyle, location, secure employment, housing affordability and fast growth.


ABS population data on Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s website, Build Sydney and Residex, June 2020 for median house prices https://profile.id.com.au/goulburn, CoreLogic property prices, Data updated Dec 2022.

Why invest in Goulburn:

  • Strong employment opportunities
  • Infrastructure boosting the local economy
  • Projected population growth
  • Value for investors
  • Lifestyle perks

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